
艺术作品: 艺术作品

的 Indiana State University's Permanent Art Collection contains approximately 4,000 works of art; many from the period of the Works Progress 政府 (1935 - 1941) and so are roughly contemporary with when Federal Hall was constructed in 1934.

的 art housed in Federal Hall have been carefully chosen to be contemporary with, 或者同情, the building and the Scott College of Business.

的 Great Depression (1929-1939) was a bleak time for many Americans and many of the artists for the Works Progress 政府 Federal Arts Project chose to reflect that in works that represented toil and hardship. Others chose to celebrate “the worker” and the works from the period in Federal Hall represent both views.

多达10个,000 artists were employed by the Works Progress 政府 Federal Arts Project between 1935 and 1943 to create murals, 架上绘画, 雕塑, 图形艺术, 海报, 摄影, Index of American Design documentation, theater scenic design, and arts and crafts. Artists were paid $23.每周60英镑. (Wikipedia, Federal Art Project)