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Thursday, November 3, 2016

下午12点至1点10分 报到- HMSU, dedei
下午1:10 - 1:20

Opening Remarks – HMSU, Dede I

Dr. Brien Smith, Dean, 斯科特商学院/Co-Founder of SMIFC

Dr. Tarek Zaher, Professor of 金融/Co-Founder of SMIFC

下午1:20 - 2:35

Session 1 – Panel Discussion – HMSU, Dede I

主题Value of Teams in 财务规划

兰德尔·K. Minas, CFP, Executive Vice President, Financial Advisor, City Securities Corporation

Shawn Sabau, CFP, Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor,, City Securities Corporation

以利沙·戴维斯·波特菲尔德, CFP, Financial Advisor with the Private Client Group of City Securities Corporation

莎拉塔伦特, Registered Financial Associate with the Private Client Group of City Securities Corporation

吠陀经Williams-Ross, Registered Financial Associate with the Private Client Group of City Securities Corporation

主题Opportunities for Women in Investment Planning

以利沙·戴维斯·波特菲尔德, CFP, Financial Advisor with the Private Client Group of City Securities Corporation

下午2:35 - 2:45 打破
下午2:45 - 3:45

Session 2– Keynote Speaker, HMSU, Dede I

主题From Option Basics to Institutional Option Trading

Kevin P. Davitt, Senior Instructor, Chicago Board Options Exchange- The Options Institute  

下午3:45 - 4:00 打破

Session 3 – Panel Discussion, HMSU, Dede I

Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIFC) 教师 and Student 研究 Activities.

Team 1: 电子游戏试玩
Dr. Tarek Zaher, 电子游戏试玩
Dr. Reza Houston, 电子游戏试玩
Kurt Kedrick, 电子游戏试玩

Team 2: Colby-Sawyer College
Student-Managed Investment Funds: A Survey of Student Demographics, 基金业绩, 政策和透明度
Dr. 克里斯Kubik
Mr. Trenton Bonk, Colby-Sawyer College
Ms. Chi Nguyen, Colby-Sawyer College

下午4:45 - 5:00 打破

Session 4 – 斯科特商学院

SMIFC伙伴 组织al Meeting (SMIFC partners only), 斯科特商学院, 联邦大厅, 303房间

6:30 pm

Dinner (by invitation only), 斯科特商学院
(Court Room 联邦大厅,Rm. 223)


上午8:45 - 9:30

Session 5 – Workshop, 斯科特商学院, Minas Center
联邦大厅,Rm. 123

主题Uses and Applications of thinkorswim Platform
TD Ameritrade Representative

上午9:30 - 9:50 打破
上午9:50 - 10:30

Session 6 - Keynote Speaker

主题:  Asset 管理 from a Fiduciary Standpoint

John Ayre, Senior Portfolio Manager, Asset 管理

Benjamin Dye, Portfolio Manager, Asset 管理, First Financial Bank

上午10:30 - 10:45  打破
上午10:45 - 11:30

Session 7 – Keynote Speaker, 联邦大厅, Rm. 223

主题Three Vital Concepts to Understanding & Trading Options for Beginners

Kevin Hincks, Senior Specialist, Co-Host Swim Lessons, Host of Options Hour

上午11:30 -下午12:45 午餐,HMSU, Dede II/III
12:45 pm - 1.30 pm

Session 8 – Panel Discussion, HMSU, Dede I

Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIFC) Current Practices in Portfolio 管理, Financial Analysis and Asset Allocation

主持人:博士. Charles Boughton, Truman State University

SMIFC Team 1: University of Arkansas - Fort Smith
SMIFC Team 2: Truman State University

下午1:30 - 2:15

Session 9 -  Panel Discussion, HMSU, Dede I

Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIFC) Current Practices in Portfolio 管理, Financial Analysis and Asset Allocation

主持人:博士. 马哈茂德•哈达德

SMIFC Team 3: 电子游戏试玩
SMIFC Team 4: University of Tennessee - Martin

下午2:15 - 2:20

Closing Remarks/Adjournment, HMSU, Dede I (Group Photo)

Dr. Tarek Zaher, Professor of 金融, 斯科特商学院 


Student Managed Investment Fund Consortium (SMIFC)